Calif. Officer Injured Struggling with Man 'Barrel Rolling' into Traffic
By Brian Rokos
Source The Press-Enterprise
A Riverside police officer was injured on Sunday, March 13, while arresting a man who was high on drugs and who had been throwing himself into traffic, authorities said.
The officer suffered a minor injury and was not hospitalized, said Riverside Fire Department Battalion Chief Pat Hopkins.
About 3:42 p.m., medics went to a gas station at the corner of La Sierra and Indiana avenues to assist a man who was having difficulty breathing, Hopkins said. When they arrived, the man bolted out of the store and into traffic, hitting cars, attempting to jump through their windows and “barrel rolling” into traffic, Hopkins said.
The man ran down the La Sierra on-ramp to the westbound 91 Freeway lanes, where he made it to the carpool lane. There, a police officer arrested him and was hurt in the scuffle.
The man admitted being under the influence of methamphetamine and PCP, Hopkins said. He was hospitalized.
The man was on parole for an unspecified crime, said Officer Ryan Railsback, a Riverside Police Department spokesman.
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