I was asked to review a job description for a ranking commander at another department. While reading the desired traits, it peaked my interest so I investigated some more. After reading some more job announcements a consistent theme started to emerge. I did not see (in these at least) a few desired traits that I value. Most of these mentioned all of the boiler plate knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) that have been churned out by the human resources groups. Often times I believe that these are standardized to make all job descriptions a one size fits all. Could there be some cutting and pasting going on as well? If you are reading this to get a leg up on a promotion or job in the future read on, I have a few of the KSAs that I find particularly valuable, not often mentioned in the ads but bring real world experience and bonuses for those who have them in the hip pocket.
If I could have one major ‘do over’ in my career, there would have been a major change in my training selections. Like most young officers I sought out the tactical, defensive tactics and other testosterone laced police training. If I could recommend to any officer in their formative years I would invest heavily in training in the interpersonal communication skills area. There are some of us who are naturals with communication and some struggle, few just don’t have any. To apply this skill within the confines of law enforcement is a major plus. In retrospect, there are probably some admissions I could have garnered to have solved a few more cases. Seeking voluntary cooperation from a suspect would have been one less use of force form that I had to have filled and a few less scars. Today’s patrol officer may use these skills to deal with a difficult domestic dispute but later on these are the same skills needed to handle citizens groups or budget hearing in front of your council. Most young cops don’t value the art of obtaining human information for investigations as they should. Many do not value the art of ‘tactical talking’ such as Verbal Judo (www.verbaljudo.com) or MOAB (www.moabtraining.com ) until they are required to attend. Any candidate for promotion to supervisor up to chief needs to have superior interpersonal communication skills, this is a must and no compromise. Do yourself a favor and invest in one of these programs and if there is an advanced class, take it also.
Instruction and public speaking skills are second on the list. Being an instructor brings a skill set that is necessary for upcoming supervisors. The abilities to assemble data, present it and ensure understanding are key components to success. When a young supervisor has to present at a Compstat meeting, a community meeting or at the staff meeting this should be second nature, if not their strength. After your first fumbling presentation your message is lost along with creditability. This is not just attending instructor school but actual classroom podium time is where the skills are honed. I have seen some extremely capable commanders who have little presence in front of a friendly audience, much less an angry community meeting. Being technically and tactically proficient in your job is one thing, being able to convey a message to others is a really sought after trait.
How often will a rising commander use public speaking skills? If you think this is infrequent at best, think again. Especially when you become the chief, then the demands are constantly reoccurring. Most of the promotional assessment centers now include a public speaking element, either before a citizen’s board, a city council or press conference scenarios. Now once you make chief you will be called up by your community’s service, fraternal, and philanthropic organizations. Everybody wants the new chief to address them. Granted many of the community’s power brokers will be present and you will need them to support your police department. Now is the time to impress, not mumble. As a chief you cannot avoid public commitments but for so long. When the requests come in you have to make the appearance, so make them memorable ones.
Prior leadership experience is a must. Now, if you are applying for a promotion and ask me ‘how do I get experience before I apply, here are some suggestions. Have you been a leader within a local service, church or fraternal organization? Leading others under different circumstances can be a test of your resolve. Leadership is not for the faint of heart, this may be your chance to test the waters. Most all organizations we belong to have a member or so who can pluck the nerve of anyone, if you are leader you now gain some experience in dealing with the rabble-rousers. Additionally, this station in life gives you direction and guardianship over other people’s money. In other words, this can be real world budget experience. As you proceed through the chairs of this organization, you will sooner or later have the budget under your control. To develop and oversee the budget process of an organization is a plus on the resume.
I have not covered all of the required prerequisites for command and chiefdom. Spend some time reading the advertisements and make notes. The desires that you possess now are good and the ones you have not achieved yet, get busy. You should have completed all of the educational and occupational requirements by now. What I have written about are the little ones that make a difference in front of the board and in front of the department you will lead. Learn from my observations and get the job of your dreams.
William L. Harvey | Chief
William L. "Bill" Harvey is a U.S. Army Military Police Corps veteran. He has a BA in criminology from St. Leo University and is a graduate of the Southern Police Institute of the University of Louisville (103rd AOC). Harvey served for over 23 years with the Savannah (GA) Police Department in field operations, investigations and completed his career as the director of training. Served as the chief of police of the Lebanon City Police Dept (PA) for over seven years and then ten years as Chief of Police for the Ephrata Police Dept (PA). In retirement he continues to publish for professional periodicals and train.