Book Review: The FBI WAY: Inside the Bureau’s Code of Excellence by Frank Figliuzzi
High standards, high values, high morals, and excellence are all words that come to mind when I think of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Frank Figliuzzi served as a Special Agent for 25 years with many achievements including becoming the assistant director and leading the Counterintelligence Division and brings insight to readers regarding the standards the FBI adheres to.
In his book, The FBI Way, Figliuzzi covers the seven “Cs” which FBI agents rely on in their daily operations. The “C”s are: Code, Conservancy, Clarity, Consequences, Compassion, Credibility, and Consistency. Each “C” is discussed in each chapter and each chapter is written in a strategic form and order. Figliuzzi said when cops understand and enforce core values it speaks positively to them as an individual and to their department.
The principles in the book are not only for those in law enforcement as they may be applied to any one of any career path. However, in regard to law enforcement the seven “Cs” should be taught and followed in every agency.
Figliuzzi encourages law enforcement officers to adhere to a higher code that is bigger than themselves so that they may bring their best foot forward to their agency. “The public is counting on law enforcement more now to enforce core values and stand for what is right,” said Figliuzzi. He stated that officers represent our freedoms and need to be accountable and mirror those values. “Officer are stewards of their departments and have an obligation to do the right thing.” His book, The FBI Way goes into a variety of examples of each “C” with engaging stories of Figliuzzi’s career experiences.
The FBI Way is an excellent resource for all who would like to strive towards a higher standard; especially those in law enforcement.

Hilary Rodela
Hilary Rodela is currently a Surveillance Officer, a former Private Investigator, a former Crime Scene Investigator, and Evidence Technician. She worked for the Ruidoso (NM) Police Department as well as the Lubbock (TX) Police Department. She has written for several public safety publications and has extensive law enforcement and forensic training and is pursuing forensic expertise in various disciplines. Hilary is a freelance public safety writer and curriculum developer for the National Investigative Training Academy.