More Info on Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police
The Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police was formed in 1971 to secure official and personal cooperation among law enforcement executives and the citizens of Kentucky. The membership consists of over 500 Kentucky Law Enforcement Executives including Police Chiefs, Sheriffs, State and Federal Law Enforcement Administrators and Railroad Police. The KACP mailing address is 368 Amon Lisanby Spur Road Dawson Springs, Kentucky 42408.
Today, the KACP is involved in many law enforcement programs to assist police chiefs, sheriffs and law enforcement executives. The KACP accreditation program allows accredited agencies to demonstrate they have met accepted standards for efficient and effective operations. The KACP employs a legislative agent to monitor the Kentucky General Assembly and champion law enforcement issues in Kentucky. The association provides member discounts in testing materials and accredited agencies receive a discount on liability insurance through the Kentucky League of Cities. The KACP provides financial assistance to law enforcement students, Special Olympics, Police Memorial Foundation, Concerns of Police Survivors and in addition, each KACP region is awarded funds for training and meetings throughout the year.
The KACP annual training conference provides an opportunity to network with your peers, browse the largest law enforcement vendor show in Kentucky and receive quality training. The association also partners with the Department of Criminal Justice Training, The Regional Community Policing Institute and the US Attorney’s Offices in Kentucky to provide timely information on topics of interest to Law Enforcement Executives.