Sheepdog Resume

Auburn, WA 98092


About Sheepdog Resume

What's your life after law enforcement? Sheepdog Resume is the only resume service for LEOs who want to move from law enforcement into the private and public sectors. Founded by an LEO family.

Product Summary

Sheepdog Resume produces custom written resumes, cover letters, job application essays, and job search assistance for LEOs who want to move from their police agency into a new career in the corporate world or public sector.


P.O. Box 683
Auburn, WA 98092

More Info on Sheepdog Resume

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What’s your life after law enforcement?

Sheepdog is the only resume service for LEOs who want to move from law enforcement into the private and public sectors.

Sheepdog respects, supports, and understands LEOs because we are a law enforcement family. Sheepdog is founded by a retired state patrol sergeant, and a media relations executive and journalist. Because of this we are subject matter experts in translating your experience, expertise, and integrity into the resume documents and career counsel you need to transition into the corporate world or public sector.

Sheepdog’s custom services include writing a base resume and revising it to fit each position you apply for; writing cover letters; writing or updating your LinkedIn profile; assist in your job search; assist in writing application essay questions; and advise and assist in job interview preparation.

Our clients are from state, federal, county, and city agencies from around the country.         

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