Drive Square

Alexandria, VA 22314


About Drive Square


3213 Duke St.
Suite 656
Alexandria, VA 22314
United States of America
617-762-4013 x.2

More Info on Drive Square

Motor vehicle accidents in the US currently take over 40,000 lives every year. The total economic impact is over $150 billion a year. 77-90% of accidents are caused by the errors of the drivers.

These numbers suggest that more driver training and practice to anticipate varying driving conditions will save lives.

By combining driver education with entertainment elements, Drive Square promotes better training, which is based on its patent-pending Portable Road Simulator.

Drive Square works with leaders in driver training, research, insurance and government to make this technology available for driver training.

Drive Square customers include USDA, US Army, Navy and Air Force, police departments, driving schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and research institutions in the US, Canada, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand.

Products & Press Releases

Drive Square, Ksizov
Drive Square Driving Simulator using HoloLens

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