Early Warning Signals sirens project a clear and powerful decible level in all directions simultaneously. This 360 degree, omni-directional advantage means taht emergency warnings are communicated for greater safety, avoiding the distorting "peaking-and-ebbing" effect associated with a rotating siren systems. Featuring continuous duty motors, Edwards EWS Series sirens offer customers a wide variety of early warning signaling solutions to fit virtually any applications, large scale or mid-sized. The series ranges from the single-tone compact EWS-V1 models, rated at 107 dB, for larger industrial facilities or small communities, to the single-tone EWS-V3 units featuring projectors in an 8-horn, equal lenght, single-row configuration, rated at 112 and 118 dB, for warning over long distnaces. Dual-tone models with decible ratings for widde area signals calculated at 100 feet are also available.