LED Lighting - Universal Push Bumpers

Feb. 27, 2014

Pro-gard Products, LLC, increased the Integrated LED Lighting options on their Universal Sedan and SUV Push Bumpers. Pro-gard is now offering the heavy duty ION LEDs as an integrated lighting option on their Universal Sedan and SUV Push Bumpers. There is a two LED option available on the Universal Sedan Push Bumpers. The Universal SUV Push Bumpers offer the choice of two or four LEDs. 

All of Pro-gard’s Integrated LED Push Bumpers are available in three lighting options: All Red, All Blue, or Half Red/Half Blue. “The ION LEDs are a perfect addition to our line of Universal Push Bumpers,” said Mike Navarro, General Manager for Pro-gard Products. 

“They are very well built and easily stand up to the elements that can plague lighting on the front of the vehicle. The LEDs are set in a flush mount within the main rail of our Push Bumpers. This location makes them the perfect height for intersection visibility. Presently, they are the brightest Super LEDs on the market and offer ample lighting with minimal lightheads.”

The integrated LEDs come pre-wired and mounted in the Push Bumper for quick installs. Pro-gard’s Universal Push Bumpers require no holes drilled installation which means fleets don’t have to pre-cut mounting holes in the vehicle frame that also greatly diminishes install time. “We’ve had great success with our Integrated Dominator® LED Lightbar options for the Universal Push Bumpers and will still continue to offer them in our product line-up. But we are very pleased to offer fleets a wider selection of integrated LED options to meet their needs.” added Navarro.

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