iWitnessTM from DeChant Consulting Services - DCS Inc
The iWitness close-range photogrammetry software system is the premier choice in low-cost, image-based measurement tools. Designed specifically for accident reconstruction, iWitness is used in statewide operations by state police/patrols, local and county police agencies across the USA and recently adopted by the RCMP as their preferred choice in quick-clearance incident mapping methods. Instead of measuring via the traditionally slow tape baseline method, or very expensive and still time consuming total station approach, iWitness is widely recognized as a faster (and as accurate) tool for on-scene recording of 3D measurements from digital imagery. The iWitness image measurements are made at anytime on a PC. As co-developer of iWitness, DeChant Consulting Services (DCS) specializes in offering turnkey solutions to police and private reconstruction practitioners including iWitness training and technical support.