The Computers Software product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching various law enforcement Computers Software options.
InVeris fats LIVE Hybrid Training System lets you train on the fats 100P virtual training system in a live fire range using live weapons. This highly advanced...
After a suspect in a stolen vehicle fled a traffic stop, Santa Fe police deployed a drone to locate the driver, and the arrest was captured on an officer's body camera.
MeaFuse from Issured creates a digital chain of custody from a law enforcement agency's existing hardware. With MeaFuse, agencies can capture, store and manage digital files with...
Veritone Investigate is AI software that helps law enforcement agencies solve investigations faster with a central evidence hub. With an ever-growing volume of digital data in...
Delivering a spacious 15.6” screen and cutting-edge computing in a fully-rugged notebook chassis, the Getac X600 Rugged Mobile Workstation enables power and productivity...
The Oracle Public Safety Suite is a robust, all-in-one secure solution tailored to meet the evolving technology demands of today’s public safety agencies. It integrates...