With Veritone Illuminate, law enforcement agencies can quickly and cost-effectively search, discover, analyze, cull, translate, and explore large amounts of Electronically Stored Information (ESI), including audio and video recordings, and text-based documents.
Document review is a daunting, mundane task where humans often miss critigal information. Aritifical intelligence never fatigues and diligently transcribes, translates both structured and unstructured data types such as audio, video, and text-based ESI. The data is easily searchable both visually and by keywords for case teams to explore entities, such as the persons, organizations and locations.
Case teams can expedite investigations by automating the transcription and translation of interview room recording, sworn statements, jailhouse conversations, and more. What's more, keywords, objects, and even known offenders can be searched for across video and audio-based evidence at scale.