Products & Press Releases
Products & Press Releases
Ballistic Shields
Vector Shield
Sept. 8, 2021
The Vector Law Enforcement Shield was developed by a U.S. Army Special Forces medic (18D). He combined his skills as a medic with his knowledge of tactics to create a defensive system that protects law enforcement and in doing so, also protects the general public and schools.
The battlefield law enforcement faces every day is constantly evolving. Criminals have better technology, training, and tactics. Law enforcement tactics, equipment, and training need to evolve to succeed in combating crime and ensuring the safety of officers and the public.
Law enforcement is the backbone of society. These men and women put their lives at risk every day for the protection of the American people. Our mission is to save lives, both for law enforcement and citizens in dangerous situations.
An officer protected behind a Vector Shield is in the best position possible to de-escalate dangerous situations and is able to respond to threats in less-than-lethal ways where this was not an option before.