The Vector Shield by Vector Defensive Systems, LLC is a life-saving de-escalation tool that can be used as a barrier to protect the public, while used as a shield to protect the police officer.

The Vector is the world’s first true de-escalation tool designed to create a peaceful interaction between the police and the public. It does this by providing a de-escalation barrier used in conjunction with De-Escalation Training so both citizens and officers can interact peacefully while both are protected.

  •  Team-specific training is available with each purchase
  •  Each shield is serial numbered inside the ballistic coating
  •  Covers, slings, and bags sold separately
  • We are the only shield tactics instructors in the world

Police officers have unfortunately been recorded by cell phones in the acts of pointing or raising their hands in what appears to be aggressive behavior to the public. These videos can unintentionally mislead the public into thinking police are acting aggressively even when they are not. Even though directional hand movements are a part of police work, the public may misconstrue these movements as aggressive acts.

A police officer being recorded while holding a Vector will appear less menacing and more in-control to the public because he or she is maintaining distance and establishing a demarcation safety zone. Officers will now be able to keep the public protected by a de-escalation barrier while the officers themselves are also protected at the same time by the same brightly colored, non-threatening de-escalation barrier.

Vector Shield Features

  • NIJ Level III – Stops multi-hit 7.62, 5.56, green tip, handgun, and shotgun rounds
  • PAXCON coating (Same coating that is on the Pentagon)
  • Three-point retention system for opening doors
  • Built-in trauma pad
  • Energy dispersing handle design
  • Defeats blunt force impacts from baseball bats, knives, and needles
  • Defends against dog attacks
  • Can safely be deployed from inside and around a patrol vehicle, in crowds, or at events
  • Less than lethal and can be used on school campuses
  • Protects the “hydraulics” of an officer
  • Makes traffic stops and building searches safer
  • Makes controlling a combative suspect easier
  • Protects an officer from explosive blasts, ricochets, knives, bats, and other blunt trauma attacks
  • Can be used for Counter Terror/SWAT building entries
  • Provides mobile cover to every person on an entry team
  • Handgun round encapsulation insert also available
  • Designed and patented by a U.S. Army Special Forces medic (18D)
  • The only Level III shield of its kind on the market
  • Can be used in coordination with a baton, pepper spray, Taser, rifle, or handgun
  • Shield sling, tactical flashlight, flashlight mount, seat-mounted Vector carrier bag, and reflective dazzle pattern shield cover sold separately
  • Best priced shield on the market
  • Team-specific training available
  • Volume discounts available

Vector Shields help to de-escalate the use of force by providing a protective barrier between law enforcement and the public in confrontational situations. By de-escalating a situation, the Vector Shield decreases the chance of injury or death occurring to an officer, civilian, or family pet. Vector Shields are your only portable Level III line of defense against active shooters.

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