Detroit Police Lieutenant Charged after Alleged Sexual Assault of Officer

Aug. 20, 2021
The 47-year-old lieutenant faces a third-degree criminal sexual conduct charge after he was accused of sexually assaulting a colleague at her home.

Lieutenant Willie Duncan of the Detroit Police Department was charged with third-degree criminal sexual conduct after he allegedly sexually assaulted a 39-year-old police officer in February.

According to a news release from the Wayne County Prosecutor's Office, Duncan, 47, allegedly went to the officer's house at 3 a.m. Feb. 20, after she returned from a party. When the officer opened the door, Duncan allegedly came in and sexually assaulted her.

On July 22, the prosecutor's office received a warrant request. Duncan was arraigned Friday in the 36th District Court and got a $25,000 10% bond, with a condition that he have no contact with the officer he allegedly assaulted, according to the news release. Duncan's probable cause conference will be held Aug. 27, before Judge Kenyetta Stanford Jones.

Duncan also was accused of sexually assaulting another police officer on May 21 at an off-duty social gathering attended by members of the department. The alleged assault was reported to former Police Chief James Craig on May 28, prompting an immediate investigation by Internal Affairs. The next day, Duncan was reassigned to another unit within the police department as the investigation continued.

After learning additional facts provided by Internal Affairs, Interim Police Chief James White suspended Duncan with pay on June 8. Several days later, allegations of the February assault were reported to Internal Affairs.

Although it was reported before the February incident, prosecutors have not charged Duncan for the alleged incident that occurred in May, though the investigation is still in progress.

"Wearing this badge is an absolute privilege. It is not a right," White said Friday during a news conference. "It is a privilege to be a Detroit police officer and, if your conduct does not support that privilege of being able to represent this department and this city with this badge, it is my responsibility to ensure that you don't wear one."




Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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