The 2010 Project 33 Training Program Certification
Training for Public Safety Telecommunicators, initial and continuing, is exceedingly important as they provide essential services to the public in an ever-expanding and rapidly changing public safety environment. Public Safety Communication Centers must provide training necessary for front-line communications professionals to be competent in the delivery of public safety communications services. APCO International recognizes that there is wide diversity in public safety communications structures and effective training is delivered in a variety of formats. Many Public Safety Communications Centers have developed their own basic training materials and processes while many others receive training from commercial providers, similar to the APCO Institute products and services. The APCO Project 33 Agency Training Program Certification is a formal mechanism for public safety agencies to certify their training programs as meeting American National Standards (ANS).
The APCO P33 Training Program Certification – Telecommunicator 2010 requires agencies to meet or exceed the APCO ANS 3.103.1-2010: Minimum Training Standards for Public Safety Telecommunicators. APCO standards can be downloaded at no charge at The standard specifies the minimum training requirements of calltakers and dispatchers of law enforcement, fire services, and emergency medical services (EMS) assigned to the public safety telecommunicator function. The program allows for customization depending on what services the agency provides. It also recognizes the need to supplement these basic competencies with agency-specific information and existing equipment-use parameters.
The 2010 version of the Minimum Training Standards for public safety telecommunicators was in the final stages of the APCO ANS Process, an ANSI-accredited standards development process, at the time this article was written. Extensive research was completed in order to develop the content of the newly revised standard. Twelve occupational analysis (OA) workshops were conducted regionally, throughout the nation with one initial panel for each job function a telecommunicator may perform: calltaker, law enforcement dispatcher, fire services dispatcher, and EMS dispatcher and three validation panels for each of these positions. Each panel consisted of four to twelve high-performing incumbent workers who perform the duties of the position for which they were analyzing. This incorporated over 100 subject matter experts currently performing successfully as a public safety telecommunicator from various types of agencies and regions.
These standards serve as the foundation for the Telecommunicator 2010 certification program. Public Safety Telecommunicator Training Programs applying for certification focus on both new and veteran public safety telecommunicators needs. Telecommunicators are typically tasked with receiving, processing, transmitting, and conveying public safety information to dispatchers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, emergency medical and emergency management personnel. The standard addresses for all adopting the standard to meet the requirements within the following sections: training program administration, organizational integrity, general knowledge and skills, tools, equipment and, technology, and professional competence. Depending on what services the agency provides, the training program must incorporate the following sections: public safety calltaker, law enforcement dispatcher, fire service dispatcher and EMS dispatcher.
Each chapter of the standard communicates important items that need to be incorporated within the agency’s training program. For example, the tools, equipment and technology chapter addresses the need for all telecommunicators (both new and veteran workers) to demonstrate proficiency on all appropriate tools, equipment, and technology they may be expected to operate within the public safety communications center. It’s important to remember these are voluntary minimum training standards, agencies throughout the nation should be, at the minimum, complying with each of these standards. Agencies that are P33 Training Program Certified – Telecommunicator 2010 meet or exceed these standards. APCO’s Call Center Standards Committee is developing a “Manager’s Guide” referencing these standards, to help agencies create training programs, further understand the requirements, provide examples and ideas to assist with saving money, and more.
APCO listens to the public safety communications community and develops programs responding to their needs. The P33 Training Program Certification process is not complicated or costly. Centers apply for certification and submit their curriculum, training materials and supporting documentation for compliance review. Upon completion of this review and verification that the training program does provide trainees with both the required content and focuses on the demonstration of decision and psychomotor skills cited within the standards, that version of the training program shall be approved and recognized as “APCO Project 33 Certified – 2010 Telecommunicator.” This certification will be valid for a period of three years and will require recertification on a three year cycle thereafter. The certified agency will receive permission to use the correlating certification mark on the training program, Web site, uniforms and more.
APCO continues to establish training standards to effectively prepare all responders to better understand their roles and responsibilities within both the public safety communications industry and public safety in general. The operational impact of expanding public policy and technology forces careful and timely review of these standards on a regular basis. The APCO ANS process requires every standard to be reviewed on a regular basis. The recertification requirements of this program are extremely important as they require agencies to evolve their training program accordingly as well.
APCO also promotes networking and information sharing to learn what works for agencies that may work for yours, especially regarding innovative training ideas and methods. This is even more important with the 2010 program as it requires twenty-four hours of continuing education for each Public Safety Telecommunicator. APCO recently launched PSConnect, an online collaboration site for public safety professionals, a perfect tool for sharing resources. This professional networking site can be accessed for free at If you do not have a profile created on PSConnect already, make sure you log on and set one up as soon as possible. Over 50,000 public safety professionals are connecting and sharing information already.
Building and implementing a successful agency training program requires many resources and a good deal of dedication. Submitting for certification demonstrates the Agency’s commitment to training and to meeting national standards. Receiving certification for a training program is a major accomplishment for the agency, its staff and the community it serves. Encourage and support your agency to achieve APCO Project 33 Training Program Certification. The deadline to apply for certification and be recognized at the upcoming APCO Annual Conference & Exposition is April 1, 2011. If submitted before January 1, 2011 the application fee is discounted!
Editors Note: For questions or more information, please visit or e-mail [email protected].
Courtney McCarron Hastings | Director of Communications
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials International, Inc. is the world’s oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to the enhancement of public safety communications. APCO serves the professional needs of its 15,000 members worldwide by creating a platform for setting professional standards, addressing professional issues and providing education, products and services for people who manage, operate, maintain and supply the communications systems used by police, fire and emergency medical dispatch agencies throughout the world. For more information, visit

William Carrow | APCO International President
Bill Carrow has over 31 years public safety communications experience, the last 29 with Delaware State Police, where he has been the Chief of Communications for 13 years. His duties include the overall administration of 89 employees in (3) 9-1-1 PSAP’s, (1) computer data center and (1) communications technical support unit. He also manages a one million dollar budget.
Bill remains active in key areas of Delaware’s communications projects:
- Serves as Emergency Support Function 2 (Communications) Lead
- Serves on governor’s select committee “Next Generation 800 MHz”
- Serves on Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan (TICP) committee
- Serves on State’s Interoperability Executive Committee (SIEC)
- Member of SIEC Technical & Operations committees
- Member of SIEC 700 MHz contract review committee
- Member of State’s cellular and pager contract committees
- Chaired Public Safety Wireless Network East Coast conference 2003.
- Managed DSP mobile data project from pilot to deployment
- Managed Delaware State Police Mobile Command Center procurement
Bill joined the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials International, Inc. (APCO) in 1997, has served the local chapter as President, Executive Council Representative and Recording Secretary, and chaired its local conference for 5 years. While being honored with Chapter Life Membership and as a Senior Member, Bill is very active at the international level:
Elected to APCO Board of Officers 2007, currently 1st Vice President
- Serves on Communications Unit Leader Working Group
- Works closely with Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA)
- Member of Project RETAINS workgroup
- Chaired APCO 73rd Annual Conference Baltimore, MD August, 2007
- Served two terms as Operations Group Leader
- Past-Chair APCO Member & Chapter Services Committee
- Previous member of Membership Task Force
Bill has received numerous awards for his work in public safety communications:
- Received APCO Presidential Award 2006.
- Received “Leadership in Technology” award from International Association of Chiefs of Police 2004
- Named Civilian Employee of the Year for Delaware State Police 2004.