i-PRO Americas Inc.

Houston, TX 77064


About i-PRO Americas Inc.

i-PRO Sensing Solutions comprehensive offering of evidence solutions for law enforcement professionals from evidence capture to management, including body-worn cameras, in-car video systems, unified digital evidence, and redaction.


8550 Fallbrook Road, Suite 200
Houston, TX 77064

More Info on i-PRO Americas Inc.

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i-PRO Sensing Solutions continues to enhance its comprehensive offering of evidence capture and management solutions for law enforcement professionals. From body worn cameras to in car video, unified digital evidence management, and new and exciting offerings such as facial redaction to protect individuals’ identities. i-PRO delivers highly rated image quality, processing power and functionality to create and manage digital evidence, all while keeping the chain of custody intact.

i-PRO Sensing Solutions Corporation of America is comprised of:

Professional Security Surveillance, offering comprehensive IP and analog video surveillance, access control, and analytics solutions for professional applications that combine best-in-class hardware, management and control software, and deep learning AI analytics.

Public Safety, providing advanced video solutions for law enforcement applications including next generation body worn cameras, in-vehicle video systems, evidence capture and management software, and intelligent analytics such as facial redaction to protect personal privacy.

Medical Imaging, delivering high-performance cameras designed specifically for medical imaging devices and systems, and other industrial applications. 

Products & Press Releases

i-PRO Americas
i-PRO Americas Inc.
In-car Video

i-PRO Introduces New In-Car Video Rear/Side Camera with Edge AI Human Detection

Aug. 1, 2024
Enhances officer safety with the widest angle of view and AI-enabled real-time alerts.
Genetec Inc.
Investigation Software

New Brighton Department of Public Safety Improves Efficiency and Collaboration With Genetec Clearance Digital Evidence Management

June 11, 2024
Technology-forward approach integrates Genetec Clearance with i-PRO cameras and CentralSquare records management to automate processes and reclaim hours of valuable officer time.
Video Cameras

i-PRO Announces Revolutionary New AI On-site Learning Camera Line that Adds AI to Non-AI Cameras

Nov. 21, 2023
Introduces AI on-site learning to recognize user-defined objects and utilize advanced custom analytics.
I Pro Logo Rgb Blk

New i-PRO FlexPay Financing Helps Public Safety Organizations Modernize Security Technology, Reduce Future Debt

May 22, 2023
Deferred payments, step or flex payments, and multi-vendor bundling help public safety organizations stay current with security technology.
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Security & Surveillance

New Version of i-PRO Active Guard Turns VMSs Into Powerful Search Engines for Real Time Alarm Notifications and Post-Event Searches

Sept. 8, 2022
AI-based plug-in features industry’s largest number of search attributes, new UI enhancements and adds support for leading VMS.
i-PRO Americas Inc.
i-PRO Active Guard

Articles & News

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AI Demystified

Feb. 15, 2024
Law enforcement officials are turning to artificial intelligence to help close cases faster and keep officers safe on the streets.
Motorola Solutions
Motorola Solutions Image (1)

Integrating Technology: Juggling Public Safety with High-Tech

April 20, 2023
The evolution of technology has brought both solutions and challenges as police departments and law enforcement agencies try to strike a balance with a public safety mission.
i-PRO Americas Inc.
Digital evidence management tools streamline the process of moving video from mobile devices to server-based or cloud-hosted systems.
Video Cameras

The Power of Video Evidence

Aug. 2, 2022
Consistent use of a video evidence system instills public confidence and trust that every incident involving law enforcement officers directly interacting with the public has complete transparency.
Axon Fleet 3
In-car Video

Clear View: In-Car Video Systems Continue to Evolve

Nov. 18, 2021
In-car video systems have made leaps and bounds since their inception.
© izusek/E+/Getty Images
Getty Images 1139860049 Copy
Facial Recognition

Let's ID the Privacy and Accuracy Issues Raised by Facial Recognition

Aug. 20, 2020
Panasonic i-PRO's Rob Thompkins covers privacy issues around facial recognition technologies
Matrox Graphics Inc. | VuWall
The VuWall VuStation.
Security & Surveillance

Product News: 22 Security & Surveillance Products

Feb. 24, 2020
A collection of Security & Surveillance products as featured in the Law Enforcement Product News February 2020 issue.
BODYCAM by Pro-Vision Video Systems
Standard storage from the BC-100 to BC-300 nearly quadrupled - going from a standard 8 GB micro SD card to a 32 GB secure non-removable internal storage. This ensured video integrity and eliinated potential for video tampering. (The BC-100 was able to handle an optional 32 GB micro SD card.)
Body Cameras

How the Body Camera Has Changed

Body-worn cameras capture audio and video that is 100% impartial in its use, presenting evidence with a blind eye to officer, citizen or suspect. They've come a long way since a large camera on your patrol car dashboard.
Let Video Graphic

Video Evidence: Cloud Vs.On-Site Storage

April 18, 2019
Face today’s video storage challenges head on.

Videos & Resources

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Body Cameras

The NEW Panasonic i-PRO BWC4000 - Stop, Swap and Go!

Sept. 10, 2021
The new Panasonic i-PRO BWC4000 body-worn camera delivers 12-hour operation with an exclusive field-swappable battery.

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All content from i-PRO Americas Inc.

Panasonic i-PRO Sensing Solutions Corporation of America
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Security & Surveillance

i-PRO brings AI to its PTZ cameras and adds 35 new models

June 2, 2022
Featuring smaller profiles, AI-based auto-tracking, best low light performance and enhanced cyber security.
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In-car Video

i-PRO Introduces New 4K Panoramic Front Camera for Police Vehicles

May 3, 2022
Achieves the highest quality image capture at the widest field of view.
Extreme Networks Logo

i-PRO and Extreme Networks Partner to Deliver Always-On Integrated Physical Security Solutions

April 27, 2022
Ensures faster deployment and services, massive scaling and higher reliability for networked physical security systems.
New Icv Bwc4000

i-PRO Displays Unique End-to-End Mobile Video System Solutions at ISC West 2022

April 26, 2022
New body-worn camera, in-car video system, and cloud or server-based digital video evidence management systems provide a comprehensive system solution.
U Series

New i-PRO U-Series PTZ Cameras With Unique Combination of Performance and Affordability Showcased at ISC West 2022

April 26, 2022
New additions include 2MP vandal/weather resistant outdoor and indoor PTZ cameras.
S Series

New i-PRO S-Series IP Cameras with Advanced AI at the Edge Debut at ISC West 2022

April 26, 2022
Expanded lineup of AI-driven cameras provides new levels of intelligence in multiple form factors for an extensive range of mainstream applications.