Boston Police Department Completes OSCR360 Crime Scene Investigation Training

Jan. 9, 2020
Boston Police Department recently completed a day of training with the L-Tron team focused on the OSCR360 hardware and software for crime scene investigation, scene documentation, and case organization.

Boston Police Department recently completed a day of training with the L-Tron team focused on the OSCR360 hardware and software for crime scene investigation, scene documentation, and case organization. The training occurred over two sessions on November 13th and included approximately two-dozen members of Boston Police Department’s Crime Scene Response Unit.

The Department purchased OSCR because of its ability to capture 360-degree spherical images of a scene, and the associated GPS coordinates, all within mere minutes. Further, the Department was pleased to discover OSCR’s intuitiveness when piecing together case documentation within the software. The ability to embed any and all digital media files into the case project is a time-saver when putting together the case file. Members of the Unit shared that OSCR allows investigators and members of other units to return to the crime scene virtually, time and time again, as the case evolves, stories change, and new details are uncovered.

L-Tron’s Andy McNeill, a retired Sheriff’s Deputy of 20 years, was on-hand in Boston for the training. McNeill has vast experience as a crime scene investigator and collision reconstructionist. He played an integral role in developing investigative photography and police crime scene and evidence courses in New York State, and continues to teach training courses to crime scene technicians.

“Following her initial visit to the Boston Police Department, my colleague, Alex Myers, filled me in on some background information around the Boston PD. She shared their enthusiasm about OSCR360’s capabilities, and their excitement about integrating OSCR into their workflow. It was great for me to see that they were just as enthusiastic about the system at their training sessions.

Andrew McNeill, Director of Forensic Education

McNeill shared that the training went smoothly, even for those in the department who do not consider themselves tech-savvy. Everyone was able to figure out how to use OSCR very quickly and easily, which is the goal of our product.

“The groups of trainees were all very pro-OSCR. They liked the idea of saving time, and that the software is easy to use and very intuitive. The Department plans to integrate OSCR into their crime scene response workflow right away for every new case that comes in. On our end, L-Tron is thrilled that this big-city law enforcement agency that has been around hundreds of years has chosen OSCR360 as a difference-maker on their Crime Scene Response team.”

Andrew McNeill, Director of Forensic Education

Boston Police Department employs thousands of officers across 11 districts and serves a population of over 600,000. Boston’s Crime Scene Response Unit is responsible for collecting and analyzing physical evidence from all crime scenes processed by the Boston PD.

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