Aladtec for Law Enforcement

River Falls, WI 54022


About Aladtec for Law Enforcement


387 Arrow Court
River Falls, WI 54022

More Info on Aladtec for Law Enforcement

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Aladtec is an affordable subscription based online employee scheduling and workforce management system.

Thousands use our system throughout a variety of industries, including:

  • Law Enforcement
  • Dispatch
  • Security
  • EMS
  • FIRE & Rescue
  • Healthcare

Aladtec’s System Will Allow Your Organization to:

  • Track Licensing and Certifications: Automated reminders for approaching expiration dates or needed licensing.
  • Monitor Operations: Access and change schedule, view employee info and credentials 24/7 from any computer, smart phone or other mobile device with Internet.
  • Save Time & Money: Automate and manage employee time off, sign-up and trade requests which saves money in unplanned overtime and scheduling man hours.
  • Improve Communications: Send instant messages, texts or emails to fill your schedule or update staff immediately.
  • Go paperless: Create, fill out, submit, review and store all your office forms online.

If you would like a free demo please give us a call at: 888-749-5550 or sign up today by visiting Read what your peers are saying about our system here:

Products & Press Releases

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Administrative Software

For the Third Time - Aladtec is Ranked on Inc. 5000’s List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies

Aug. 21, 2017
Aladtec, an online employee scheduling & workforce management software company, appears on Inc. Magazine’s 2017 list at No. 2897.
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Security & Surveillance

Aladtec Selected for Canada’s University Health Network (UHN) Security Operations

April 12, 2017
UHN uses Aladtec’s online employee scheduling and workforce management system to streamline processes to oversee 100 plus security staff members at three campuses.
hcso 5820bd23e454c

Hennepin County Sheriff Volunteer Unit (MN) Launches Aladtec for Online Staff Scheduling and Workforce Management

Nov. 7, 2016
Searching for a software system created for Public Safety, this large volunteer division’s quest was fulfilled by Aladtec.
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The Affordable Care Act Prompts City of Lincoln (IL) to Switch to Aladtec Online Employee Scheduling and Workforce Management Software

Oct. 4, 2016
This city recognizes the advantages of using the same software for employee data continuity and proof of compliance.
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Inc. Magazine Unveils 35th Annual List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies—the Inc. 5000

Aug. 22, 2016
Aladtec, an online employee scheduling & workforce management software company, appears on the list for the 2nd time - ranking No. 2917 with a three-year sales growth of 118%
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Aladtec, Inc. Announces Recent Move of Headquarters to River Falls, WI

June 21, 2016
Relocation to larger office building consolidates two Wisconsin offices and accommodates the company’s continued growth.
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Aladtec to Attend 2016 National Sheriffs’ Association Conference & Expo

June 16, 2016
Sheriffs from around the country meet in Minneapolis for training, networking and exhibits June 24th - June 29th.

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All content from Aladtec for Law Enforcement

panoramicC 5682fd3057897

This 9-1-1 Center Announces They Save 16 Hours a Week by Implementing Aladtec for Workforce Management

Dec. 29, 2015
Imagine what additional tasks or projects supervisors could accomplish if they were to save over 800 hours of time a year...that’s the equivalent of 20 work weeks.

Aladtec to Attend APCO 2015 Conference & Expo

Aug. 18, 2015
Over 5,000 attendees from a wide range of public safety organizations and government agencies will converge in Washington, DC August 16-19.
Aladtec Company 2014 1 55d393fdb954d

Public Safety Vendor Aladtec Lands on Inc. Magazine’s List of America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies—the Inc. 5000

Aug. 18, 2015
Aladtec, Inc. (WI), online employee scheduling & workforce management solutions, Ranks No. 3197 on the 2015 Inc. 5000 with Three-Year Sales Growth of 106%
Georgetown MA 55ae9b1eee93b

Georgetown Police Department (MA) Reduces Personnel Scheduling Demands by 30% After Implementing Aladtec

July 21, 2015
Aladtec specializes in assisting organizations with complex scheduling requirements.
Aladtec for Law Enforcement
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Aladtec, Inc. Announces Branding Consolidation

May 23, 2014
Aladtec, Inc., the company behind the popular online employee scheduling and workforce management systems, EMS Manager, FIRE Manager, and Zanager, is rebranding and consolidating.