Aladtec is an affordable subscription based online employee scheduling and workforce management system.
Thousands use our system throughout a variety of industries, including:
Law Enforcement
FIRE & Rescue
Aladtec’s System Will Allow Your Organization to:
Track Licensing and Certifications: Automated reminders for approaching expiration dates or needed licensing.
Monitor Operations: Access and change schedule, view employee info and credentials 24/7 from any computer, smart phone or other mobile device with Internet.
Save Time & Money: Automate and manage employee time off, sign-up and trade requests which saves money in unplanned overtime and scheduling man hours.
Improve Communications: Send instant messages, texts or emails to fill your schedule or update staff immediately.
Go paperless: Create, fill out, submit, review and store all your office forms online.
UHN uses Aladtec’s online employee scheduling and workforce management system to streamline processes to oversee 100 plus security staff members at three campuses.
Aladtec, an online employee scheduling & workforce management software company, appears on the list for the 2nd time - ranking No. 2917 with a three-year sales growth of 118%
Imagine what additional tasks or projects supervisors could accomplish if they were to save over 800 hours of time a year...that’s the equivalent of 20 work weeks.
Aladtec, Inc. (WI), online employee scheduling & workforce management solutions, Ranks No. 3197 on the 2015 Inc. 5000
with Three-Year Sales Growth of 106%
Aladtec, Inc., the company behind the popular online employee scheduling and workforce management systems, EMS Manager, FIRE Manager, and Zanager, is rebranding and consolidating.