About PlanIt Schedule
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More Info on PlanIt Schedule

With the majority of our clients being in law enforcement, PlanIt Police includes unique features to streamline the management of things like rotating officer schedules, extra duty shifts, court appearances, and much more. Instead of having to create the schedule and print it out or send it out to each person in the department, it will populate automatically for everyone to see from wherever they are. There are multiple communication tools in PlanIt like mass email/text/call notifications, internal messages, and dashboard announcements.
While scheduling software saves time, it also improves communication because the information is available to everyone from wherever they are. The schedule is always real-time so if a change is made to the schedule, everyone can see that immediately. Additionally, open shifts will appear on the schedule whenever you fall below minimum staffing. This allows the shift to be visible to everyone while also providing the opportunity for officers to request to work the shift. Learn more about the features included in PlanIt, here: