Datastrip Inc. introduces the integration of the DSVII handheld identity verification device with Aware Inc.'s NISTPack biometric software development suite. The NISTPack enables the DSVIIs to capture and submit fingerprint records that meet electronic fingerprint transmission specification standards for instant ID verification compatible with state and federal automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS). Aware's NISTPack provides the DSVIIs with all of the components of a mobile ID verification solution, enabling the DSVII to generate, view, edit and print FBI-format fingerprint records more quickly for AFIS comparison. NISTPack's biometric software tools ensure that digitized fingerprint images are compressed properly and that demographic data is included in the correct format. The resulting file is constructed properly for compatibility with U.S. state and federal AFIS. All DSVII fingerprint records generated with NISTPack software support the American National Standards Institute/National Institute of Standards and Technology standard, as well as agency specific implementation of the standard. The NISTPack Validation File allows the DSVII to support agency specific applications for handheld ID verification by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Interpol, Schengen Information System and other agencies worldwide.