Detego® Ballistic Imager from Detego Digital Forensics is the world’s fastest forensic imaging tool, built on patented technology. Detego® Ballistic Imager is the obvious choice when law enforcement agencies need a complete physical imaging in time-critical scenarios. Forensically copy hard disk drives in minutes and allows non-technical users to be fully operational within a 30-minute training overhead. Detego Ballistic Imager allows agencies to achieve blisteringly-fast acquisition times using the subject machine to image itself out and split the imaging process to multiple collectors; utilising all available ports, either in a ‘live’ state or boot mode.


  • Works on Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Forensically sound, with MD5, SHA1 & SHA256 validation.
  • Stop extractions before completion without the risk oflosing any data acquired up to that point.
  • Allows recovery of deleted data.
  • No need to remove the hard drive.
  • Fits in your pocket.

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