The .XRY/XACT system bundle performs logical data acquisitions as well as physical dumps - all in one mobile forensic system. With all capability gathered in one system, the .XRY/XACT system bundle is delivered in a smaller brief case. It contains all officers need for performing data acquisitions; the new USB 2.0 communication unit, a license key dongle, all current cables in cable holders, SIM card reader, rewritable SIM id-Cloner examination cards, a read only memory card readerand a CD with all software and the most complete phone extraction guide on the market. All new cables that are released during the license period are included in the license fee as well as all SW updates. Both systems use our well renowned .XRY format that makes the report forensic secure - but still easy to distribute and readable for other parties of the investigation - attorneys, prosecutors and so forth - through the free .XRY reader.