Bair Software recently introduced RAIDS Online, an internet-based public crime mapping service that is free to law enforcement and the public. RAIDS Online provides maps, statistics, graphs and charts of crime throughout the country in addition to local views of crime. Community members can create their own individualized crime maps by searching for crimes in their neighborhood, adjusting dates, and choosing the types of crime that are displayed on the map. National level crime statistics, including crime rate by state and county, allow the public to see crime trends around the United States. RAIDS Online syncs with a participating agency’s records systems to automatically upload crime information as frequent as hourly. These automatic uploads keep the crime information on the maps current, a big plus for community members. In addition, RAIDS Online leverages Google Maps to display the location and basic information for crimes in any geographic area of interest to the user. RAIDS Online’s vibrant colored maps, icons and symbols work together to deliver easy-to-read crime information at all zoom levels, from a national level down to the citizen’s neighborhood.