FbF bioServer is a high speed biometric (fingerprint, face and iris) matching engine that reduces the complexity and cost of implementing a department, county, district, state, regional and national AFIS. Some of the key features include:
Support for one of the top NIST rated algorithms (fingerprint, face and iris) from Neurotechnology;
Runs on standard COTS hardware;
Supports industry standards, such as NIST Finger Image Quality (NFIQ), Wavelet Scalar Quantization (WSQ) image compression, and template import/export to US and Internation standards-based templates;
Runs on standard COTS hardware;
Easily scales from thousands to millions of images;
Competitive pricing.
For more information, please visit http://www.fulcrumbiometrics.com/v/vspfiles/assets/downloads/FbF_bioServer_DS_072011.pdf