Smiths Detection's wirelesscommunication system improves both situational awareness and early-warning response tochemical attacks or threats detected by its suite of chemical sensors.

Sensa-LINX easily integrates into Smiths Detection’s chemical warfare agent and toxicindustrial chemical sensors used in military and emergency response applications. It also enablesdeployed sensors to be controlled remotely and to transmit data such as detection results to aCommand and Control (C2) post.

Ideal for perimeter protection, surveillance and reconnaissance, event protection and incidentresponse, Sensa-LINX can be deployed around a perimeter to continuously transmit georeferenceddata to a C2 base station. Currently it can be integrated with chemical detectorsincluding the LCD-NEXUS and LCD 3.3, the most widely deployed wearable threat detector inthe world. The system is also ruggedized to operate in extreme temperatures and weatherconditions.

For Sensa-LINX’s technical specifications, please visit:

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