The 3M Back Office System Software (3M software) organizes and archives the vast amount of data that mobile and/or fixed ALPR deployments collect. It allows user to search for suspects using basic parameters such as time, date, and plate number (full or partial). Additionally, investigators tracking or looking for a particular vehicle can search a chosen radius around a known address or map location that may be associated with that license plate. In fixed site applications, license plate data is fed directly into the 3M software. The data is compared to any number of motor vehicle hotlists and if a match occurs; alerts are deployed wirelessly as authorized by the administrator of the system. In mobile applications, hotlist comparisons are done using software in a moving vehicle. Hits identified in vehicles can be alerted simultaneously to the 3M software. Administrators can designate, based upon the severity of the matched database or hotlist, which alerts are announced to the 3M software.
Easy access to large amounts of historical and real-time data
Powerful investigative and analysis tool
Capable of processing immense hotlists and deploying them wirelessly to mobile devices
Can send alert notifications via email oc text message
Facilitates seamless sharing of hotlists, reads, and alerts between agencies utilizing 3M Back Office System Software
2013 Upgrades: 3M Back Office System Software v 3.2.0 (formerly known as BOSS) enhancements include a feature that allows the system to capture reads from 3M License Plate Capture Software v 2.7.0 (formerly known as PAGIS) that have been sanitized of personal identifying information, while still maintaining accurate read statistics in the system. The upgrades also allow for greater flexibility of data purging, a better dispatch performance for heavy read loads, and a redesigned reporting function for collecting usage statistics by location. Additionally, installation can now take place on any CPU so as to capitalize on greater memory for users with 64 bit servers.
The overall upgrade effort also included a customized communication layer between the two software products. This will improve speed, accuracy, and reliability of data transfer.