"The Presynct Report Network is a forms-based incident report writing system," says Timothy Pakes, vice president of sales for this San Francisco, California, company. "The department’s native forms are automated then utilized from report creation all the way through distribution and archiving. [Users] fill out reports using either a mobile client or their current local area network."
The product contains a complete approval-rejection tracking process. Finalized reports can be shared (in PDF format) with others through paperless distribution. Information is stored in a SQL database.
The software uses agency-specific forms and incorporates the ability to store digital photographs as well as A/V files. This allows departments to take or scan existing photos and attach them to incident report so that information can be saved with the original report for easy reference. Other features include: external electronic distribution to designated outside agencies/departments; a fully network ready system that enables all department/agency computers to access the same database; and open standards technology, allowing Presynct to interface with existing systems.