Sprint Safety Deploys Clear-Com Gateway for Radio Interoperability

March 24, 2016
Sprint Safety, a provider of safety equipment, radio systems, and a host of managed services based in Houston, Texas, acquired and deploys Clear-Com® Gateway devices to enable communication between or among distinctive talk groups.

Alameda, CA – March 21, 2016 – Sprint Safety, a provider of safety equipment, radio systems, and a host of managed services based in Houston, Texas, acquired and deploys Clear-Com® Gateway devices to enable communication between or among distinctive talk groups. Gateway bridges different radio systems to allow analog-to-digital and digital-to-digital links for a seamless and reliable connection.

Sprint Safety provides radio systems and radio interoperability solutions to companies with large industrial facilities such as refineries and manufacturing plants, as well as working with local agencies in disaster situations. In the case of refineries during turnaround situations, a large number of temporary contractors are brought in to overhaul, repair or perform general maintenance on the facility. Due to the high amount of users and the limitation of the facility’s existing radio system, Sprint Safety clients often opt to keep contractors off of the facility’s primary radio system in order to avoid system overload. The solution is Sprint Safety brings in a separate radio system as a second system just for the turnaround crew. Gateway is then systematically used to interoperate and link the two radio systems.

“Ensuring crew safety is the number one goal for the customers we work with,” explains Lionel Chatel, Operation Manager at Sprint Safety. “For this reason, it is extremely important that the plant workers and contractors receive safety announcements over their respective radios, especially in the event of an emergency. One radio channel is dedicated for the communication link between groups, and Gateway enables all important traffic to seamlessly flow between radio systems. We make sure communication is not compromised during the turnaround.”

“An important first step in creating a robust communication system for mission critical users is recognizing that flexibility, range, security and swift deployment are vital in any emergency situation,” said Carroll Hollingsworth, Clear-Com Manufacturer Representative at DH Marketing. “Gateway is radio agnostic, modular, and connects with two-way radios, intercoms, telephones and IP networks. There is truly none quite like it.”

Clear-Com Gateway facilitates reliable radio bridging, radio interfacing and IP connectivity on a single platform, ultimately saving on the costs of adding additional radios, maintenance and repeaters. It can bridge radio channels across different radio platforms, port-to-port, port-to-multi-port and Radio-over-IP (RoIP). The Gateway also enables a robust analog and digital radio interface via radio bridging, scalable to up to 180 bridges in a single platform.

To learn more about Sprint Safety, you may reach the La Porte office for questions at (281) 470-6311 or www.sprintsafety.com.

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