Pulmanex Hi-Ox Mask

Aug. 20, 2007
Now a medic can offer his patients greater than 99 percent FiO2 at only 15 LPM flow and a nebulizer treatment at the same time. Due to its Sequential Dilution Valve System and aerosol adapter, the Pulmanex Hi-Ox® Mask, from VIASYS MedSystems can deliver both of these therapies with the simplicity and ease of a regular oxygen mask setup. Its ability to offer such a high FiO2 is due to its innovative features which include a soft, anatomically correct vinyl mask with no entrainment ports and the Sequential Dilution Valve System. Due to this design, the Pulmanex Hi-Ox Mask fits the patient comfortably ' seals securely as well as directs the airflow throughout the mask, allowing in room air only after the oxygen reservoir supply has been fully depleted. This assures that the first part of every breath (which fills the alveoli) will be more oxygen rich than the gas flowing in behind it. The Pulmanex Hi-Ox® Mask comes in both adult and pediatric sizes with or without aerosol adapter.

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