Attestor Forensics

Quakertown, PA 18951


About Attestor Forensics



1171 Apple Rd
Quakertown, PA 18951
United States of America

More Info on Attestor Forensics

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Attestor Forensics' products are especially designed for forensic use and set great value upon the resulting special demands. The development puts emphasis on a process oriented design and long term durability. Therefore we only use high value material and focus on precision manufacturing.

Attestor Forensics aims for long term customer satisfaction and a continuous high level of quality. Therefore all processes and
procedures within our organization have been defined in our quality management system which complies with the demands of ISO9001:2008.

Our definition of quality is about the difference between expectations you have on a product or service and your actual "live experience“. Is this difference positive, you will rate the quality as good. A simple “ok” is not what we are aiming for. We try to provide a positive surprise and want to keep the difference between expectation and experience as positive as possible. It might be possible to measure, to document and to support customer satisfaction within the framework of anISO certified quality management system. However, it can’t be achieved solely by it. Customer satisfaction requires continuous improvement and can on a long-term basis only be achieved by an active communication
with you.

Videos & Resources

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SCENEview BV800 Blood Stain and Spatter Viewer

May 23, 2016
Attestor Forensics has introduced to...

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