VUV Analytics Inc.

Cedar Park, TX 78613


About VUV Analytics Inc.


715 Discovery Blvd #502
Cedar Park, TX 78613

More Info on VUV Analytics Inc.

VUV Analytics
Vuv Large Name 4 C 5b5743283148a

VUV Analytics manufactures universal vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectroscopic detectors that provide a new dimension of chemical analysis accuracy. Unlike legacy GC detectors, VUV detection delivers scalable data analysis automation with reduced analytical error and higher analytical throughput. For more information, visit

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Drug / Alcohol Enforcement

The Analytical Challenges with Fentanyl Analysis - A Roundtable

Oct. 3, 2018
VUV Analytics, manufactures of universal vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectroscopic detectors, hosted a discussion on new technologies addressing opioid analysis.

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