Drug / Alcohol Enforcement

The Officer.com Drug Alcohol Enforcement product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching various law enforcement Drug Alcohol Enforcement options.
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Drug / Alcohol Enforcement

Conn. Lawmakers Could Lower Legal Blood-Alcohol Content to 0.05

Jan. 21, 2025
Lowering the drunken driving blood-alcohol threshold is part of a package of strategies being debated by Connecticut officials in an effort to reduce fatal traffic incidents.....
Michael W. Brown/Rigaku Analytical Devices
1 Street Scene Showing Open Narcotic Usage In Kensington, Philadelphia
Drug / Alcohol Enforcement

How the Expansion of Mexican Cartels to Europe is Impacting US Law Enforcement

Oct. 24, 2023
To overcome the consequences of criminal cartel expansion, there needs to be a new approach to the problem.
Blue Island, IL, Police Department
Rocco, a K-9 who has been with the Blue Island, IL, Police Department for only three months, helped seize nearly 500 pounds of marijuana in a massive drug bust last week
K-9 Equipment & Services

New Ill. Police K-9 Makes Historic, 500-Pound Marijuana Bust

Oct. 23, 2023
Rocco, a Belgian Malinois who has only been with the Blue Island Police Department for three months, uncovered a massive drug haul of 498 pounds of marijuana last week.
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Specialized Training

Baltimore County Police Train in 'Green Lab' to Spot Pot Impairment

May 18, 2023
With recreational cannabis becoming legal in Maryland in July, Baltimore County police officers are learning how to recognize when drivers are impaired after they've used marijuana...
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Drug / Alcohol Enforcement

La. Police Bust Ice Cream Truck with Meth, Puppies, Melted Ice Cream

March 1, 2023
Slidell narcotic detectives pulled over an ice cream truck with no license plate and no brake lights after police were tipped off that methamphetamine was being used and sold ...
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Drug / Alcohol Enforcement

Video: Calif. Man Creates 'Snowstorm' by Dumping Drugs from Car

Dec. 26, 2022
Westminster police were trying to pull over a vehicle when the driver allegedly began throwing large amounts of methamphetamine and fentanyl from his moving vehicle.