CovertCarrier Inc. has introduced grip panel replacements for Beretta and North American Arms (NAA) semi-automatic handguns. The panels are made of ABS plastic and stainless steel. Installation and use of the "unibody" constructed panels is simple and easy. The user need only remove the threaded screws that are used to affix a factory panel, and then replace it with the CovertCarrier panel. The plastic panel and stainless-steel fastener will not wear out like traditional inside the waistband (IWB) carry devices, such as holsters, cases or pouches, which often times are made from leather, vinyl or cloth. The panels fit Beretta Bobcat and Tomcat pistols, as well as all four NAA handguns in caliber sizes ranging from .25 to 380. The replacement panels can be used on "hideout" or "back-up" guns and deployed IWB. When properly concealed the device broadcasts little or no outline or read.