eBook: 'Hurricanes: What You Need to Know to Plan, Predict & Prepare'

July 27, 2018

Baron's severe weather eBook, titled “Hurricanes: What you need to know to plan, predict & prepare” provides a detailed guide to every aspect of Hurricanes, including details on their formation, the various threats they present, and the best courses of action to deal with those threats.  

This eBook educates public safety personnel by focusing on all the challenges of hurricanes, such as knowing hurricane season, interpreting hurricane forecasts, and understanding how hurricanes are tracked. Baron’s eBook provides a look at the threats hurricanes pose to communities on the coast and inland, and the threats that happen during the storms and after they dissipate, including details on how to handle high-winds, storm surge, and flooding.  

The eBook also includes information on Baron Threat Net, a web-based meteorological tool that provides critical weather intelligence when and where it is most needed, and that can be an important tool in times of severe weather. For public safety professionals, the ability to analyze and interpret weather data is essential to protecting their communities. Accessible anytime and anywhere, Baron Threat Net delivers the critical weather intelligence needed in an easy-to-read format to help make fast, informed, and effective mission-critical decisions, even in the face of hurricane events. 

For more information, visit: www2.baronweather.com/hurricaneEbook

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