Book: A Scientific Approach to Reality Based Training

May 1, 2018

How much do you know about Reality Based Training? Can you answer these three true or false questions?

1)  Reality Based Training scenarios do little to improve performance of physical skills. True or False

2)  Adrenaline will cause the ciliary muscle of the eye to “relax“, which leads to the flattening of the lens of the eye, which may make it impossible to sight your weapon. True or False

3)  Elevated heart rate is a poor predictor of performance. True or False

These three questions, along with numerous others, are answered in the book “A Scientific Approach to Reality Based Training”. Co-authors, Terry Wollert, PhD and Jeff Quail, MSc, summarize the current research on stress performance and scenario based training into an easy to read format for anyone with or without an academic background. If you currently provide reality based training scenarios to your students, you need to read this book. By the way, the above statements are all false!

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