Academy Conditioner - Weight Control: The Unit - Elite Law Enforcement Supplement Sprays

March 27, 2013

7 Innovation's "The Unit" is a supplement spray line exclusively designed for active-duty law enforcemetn officials. The spray line consists of doctor formulated ingredients that are intended to increase muscle, offer pre-shift energy, maintain mental stamina, promote active weight control, and help officers relax after their patrol. These law enforcement supllements are the very first of their kind, are USA-made, and offer police officers and government officials, alternativies to highly caffeinated beverages, or other muscle-bulding stimulants.

It's no secret that law enforcement is one of the toughest and most stressful jobs in today's world. From mass shootings, to cyber-terrorism, the list of threats to police officers and investigative units continues to grow by the day. This is why 7 Innovations has developed the very first line of supplement sprays designed with the law enforcement officers' career in mind. Located in Appleton, Wisc., the company has partnered with a certified manufacturing facility that produces the world-class, doctor-formulated ingredients.

The Unit Supllement Sprays consist of five, great tasting, easy to consume products that help protect the officer in all areas during the day, but more importantly, their career: Bulletproof (muscle gainer), Riot (pre-shift energy), Headquarter (mental stamina), Academy Conditioner (wight control), and 10-7 (post-shift relaxation and recovery).

Academy Conditioner-Weight Control

Skills and knowledge are important, but to be an elite law enforcement officer, physical fitness is also a major key component.

The lack of exercise canpotentially be extradordinarily high and Academy Conditioner is here to combat the unwanted fat.

With Academy Conditioner from The Unit Supplements, those bi-annual physical tests will be a walk in the park!

  • Reduces stubborn body fat.
  • Improves muscle tone.
  • Balances blood sugar levels.
  • Increases metabolism and energy levels.
  • Encourages weight loss at a natural pace.
  • Blances appetite.

10% of each sale being donated to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund.

To learn more about the elite law enforcement supplements, visit them online at or call 800-643-5921.

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