LETS Corporation

Walnut Creek, CA 94598


About LETS Corporation


712 Bancroft Rd., No. 441
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
United States
(925) 566-5600

More Info on LETS Corporation

Law Enforcement Technologies Corp.
Lets Logo 5b1551001e7ea

LETS Corporation dba Orion Systems, is a developer of Law Enforcement Audio Communications systems using both cellular and PSTN land line technology to provide a high quality, real-time, digital audio recordings from covert wire, investigative calling and other related operations. Our Secure storage and web based recording manager allows the secure storage of unlimited numbers of audio recordings. It provides investigators and supervisory personnel with immediate, secure access to the stored audio files.  LETS provides unmatched performance and reliability.  LETS other featured Products include or InvisaListen for Android, Application for enhanced covert wire operations, LETS LS Server, which provided desktop storage of your audio files at your facility.  

For a complete description of all of our LETS family of products please visit us at: www.ulets.net.

Articles & News

Lets 2020 Main
Rescue Equipment

Replace Your Antique Throw Phone With Modern Tech

This new reality in crisis negotiation tools gives agencies a time efficient tool. It puts all of the equipment necessary for throw phones, recording both audio and video, manag-ing the data and more all in your pocket.

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