LETS 2.0 Investigative Phone Recording Management System

April 2, 2014

LETS Corporation dba Orion Systems announced the addition of several new features to LETS 2.0 Investigative Phone and Audio Recording System. Our system has been updated to provide Hostage and Crisis Response Personnel to immediately establish a secure, recorded connection with the hostage taker or subject. Additionally LETS allows for notification and connection of command, supervisory or tactical personnel to the real-time audio as it is recorded to a secure server. Command, Supervisors, Tactical and the Negotiators can connect from any landline or cellular phone while responding to the scene, saving valuable time over traditional response equipment.

LETS Hostage/Crisis Response meets to rising need of modern Incident response. Today more often than not, when an incident occurs, it is not uncommon for the first Responder or Supervisor has already established a conversation with the hostage taker or subject using a cellular phone. This connection is usually on being recorded and does not allow a negotiator or other responding personnel to monitor the conversation. LETS bridges this gap by allowing a negotiator to call in securely and monitor or take over control of the conversation. LETS allows additional responding command, supervisory and tactical personnel to connect through a secure, muted connection gaining access to the real-time information but not interfering with the ongoing negotiations.  For additional information on our Hostage/Crisis Response System please contact us. Demonstrations and Filed evaluations are available.

LETS Investigative Phone Recording System is field proven in use by over 300 agencies with well over 130,000 operational recordings. It is used by Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement agencies, Task Forces and Prosecutors for Narcotics and other criminal investigations. LETS is a multi-functional, recording and audio management system for use as a covert body wire, investigative calling, pretext calls, interviews, statements, interrogations and now hostage and crisis response. 

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