The JETT.XL rugged hand held computer has a PXA270 processor-designed specifically by Marvell for low-power battery-powered devices. It utilizes an integrated system-on-a-chip microprocessor to deliver high performance (624 MHz). It features XScale RISC micro architecture with on-the-fly voltage and frequency scaling, sophisticated power management to provide industry-leading MIPS/mW performance. The JETT.XL is rugged with an IP rating of 65. It comes standard with both 802.11b/g and Bluetooth technology that allows for concurrent operation with maximum efficiency. If wide area networking is needed, GPRS/GSM is optionally available. Of course there is also standard USB and choice of RS-232, RS-485 and RS-422 serial interfaces. Talk to a printer, another device, or a central company database - JETT.XL makes it easy. Customizable colors, keypad, and logo.