Product design and manufacturing company Stealth MFG's a cup-shaped LifeSafer IID cover designed specifically to disguise and conceal the FC100 LifeSafer ignition interlock device (IID).
After making a universal cover that worked especially well to accommodate all vertical-oriented mouthpiece IIDs, Stealth found it could do better in the horizontal-oriented mouthpiece marketplace. Especially since the two dominant players, Dräger and LifeSafer, are horizontally-oriented. With the custom die cut lid, the LifeSafer rests perfectly snug, and still leaving the device concealed.
Samples of Stealth’s LifeSafer cover have been sent to all LifeSafer installers. “We want to blanket the market for disguising a LifeSafer,” Chandler says. “A lot of LifeSafer users might otherwise not know about Stealth. We want the installers to be able to sell or rent our product to its customers directly.”
An IID cover custom-designed for a specific IID manufacturer is the first of its kind. Made in the USA from 100%-recyclable plastic, it eliminates the embarrassment of public breathalyzing, protects and secures the IID itself from heat or other damage, helps keep the vehicle interior uncluttered, and deters theft, making it an essential item for anyone using the FC100 LifeSafer ignition interlock device.