Intergraph Corporation announced the release of I/Incident Analyst, an intuitive mapping and pattern analysis solution specifically designed for public safety agencies. With I/Incident Analyst, public safety agencies can distill data that are stored in Intergraph's Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) or in Intergraph's Records Management Systems (RMS) into a wide variety of maps and temporal reports. The outputs from I/Incident Analyst effectively delineate incident patterns. With this approach, public safety agencies can better leverage the data in their RMS and CAD systems and better serve their communities. Specifically, I/Incident Analyst can be used to: discern spatial patterns, thereby allowing better understanding of where incidents occur with abnormal frequency and correlate these locations with factors such as time, offense, and other statistics; prioritize areas and the conditions experienced within them; locate where tactics have been deployed and assess their positive or negative impact; identify emerging hot areas and predict where problems may arise; and discover areas at risk to a specific type of incident.

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