Ore. Deputy among 3 Injured when Rodeo Bull Jumps Fence

June 10, 2024
Videos captured a bull at the Sisters Rodeo leaping over a fence and rampaging through the arena's stands, injuring three people, including a Deschutes County sheriff's deputy.

By Beth Slovic

Source oregonlive.com

A bull escaped an arena at the Sisters Rodeo in central Oregon on Saturday night, injuring spectators.

Video clips circulating on social media Sunday show a bull effortlessly jump a fence into the rodeo stands and bolt for an arena exit, marauding through the rodeo grounds as people chased after it.

KTVZ Channel 21 reported the bull injured three people before it was captured shortly after. The Sisters Rodeo Association wrote in a statement Sunday that two of those people were taken to a hospital.

A spokesperson for the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, Lt. Jayson Janes, did not have more information Sunday about the extent of people’s injuries.

(Editor's note: Janes later told ABC News that a sheriff's deputy suffered a minor injury while chasing the escaped bull.)

The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association on Sunday called the event “alarming” but also “very rare.”

“While rodeo is a highly-entertaining sport,” a spokesperson for the group wrote on X, “on very rare occasions it can also pose some risk.”


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