National Sheriffs' Association (NSA)

Alexandria, VA 22314


About National Sheriffs' Association (NSA)


1450 Duke St.
Alexandria, VA 22314
United States of America

More Info on National Sheriffs' Association (NSA)

Products & Press Releases

The National Law Enforcement Center on Animal Abuse and National Sheriffs’ Association
The Law Enforcement Dog Encounters Training (LEDET) is the first of its kind training program and includes structured coursework on engaging and deescalating dog encounters, along with simulation training with VirTra’s immersive, high-definition video training system.

NLECAA, NSA and VirTra Launch New Law Enforcement Training Program

June 5, 2018
“Law enforcement officers want to handle their calls safely and go home at the end of their shift, while not causing any needless harm,” said John Thompson, Deputy Executive Director of the NSA. “This course will give them much needed tools...
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Nominate Your K-9 to be the Law Enforcement Dog of the Year

Feb. 25, 2016
Law enforcement officers have until March 2nd to nominate their dogs at

Articles & News

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Training & Careers

10 Questions with NSA Executive Director/CEO Jonathan Thompson

June 17, 2015
Thompson’s got plans: help deputies and sheriffs get the tools and training they need, start a new dialogue about the problem of mental illness in jails.
AP Photo/John Wark
Victims of last week's devastating floods retrieve belongings outside a home near the East Platte River east of Greeley, Colo. on Sept. 17.

NSA Urging Support for Colorado Flood Victims

Sept. 19, 2013
The National Sheriffs' Association is urging support of L.E. officers affected by the devastating floods.
CLICK HERE to visit the National Sheriffs' Association web page

Sheriff! Your Jail Is On Fire!

Oct. 5, 2010
This article seeks to enlighten readers on prevention, mitigation, response, and recovery steps that should be considered to confront jail fires.
CLICK HERE to visit the National Sheriffs' Association web page
Watercraft & Accessories

Protecting Broward County Waters

Aug. 17, 2010
Since 1991, the Sheriff's Office has provided law enforcement services for Port Everglades, from the far east, to the Atlantic Ocean and Intracoastal Waterway.
CLICK HERE to visit the National Sheriffs' Association web page
Training & Careers

Eating On The Job

July 13, 2010
While we all know that healthy food is better for you, the subject today is actually not what types of foods you should eat, but instead the temporal relationship of your meals when on the job.
Click here to visit the Public Safety Volunteer Institute
On the Street

The Perfect Storm is Coming

Sept. 9, 2009
Events like Celebrate Safe Communities can open the door to dialogue to hear first hand concerns and perhaps a few tips along the way.

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