The Acadis Readiness Suite, designed to make certain that our public safety and military professionals are trained, equipped and ready to respond, measures readiness by automating complex, high-risk training and compliance operations. Acadis increases the accuracy and effectiveness across every level of critical incident response by consolidating information about personnel and resources. The modular system enables organizations to implement functionality where needed to support the entire compliance lifecycle. Acadis embodies a single, powerful idea: To make certain our first responders come home alive.
The April 2018 update to Acadis enhances and adds functionality that automates training assignments based on career roles, Workflow support for training operations, and marks the launch of the Acadis Accounting module, which adds fiscal management functionality to the robust administrative management options already included in Acadis.
The career role functionality assigns training to an individual in pursuit of a career trajectory. For example, if a police officer is pursuing the rank of Captain, Acadis will now assign all mandatory training required to fulfill that role. Assigned training will include the initial training required to hold the rank, ongoing annual in-service requirements to maintain certification, and applicable testing necessary to ensure initial and ongoing aptitude. This functionality, among the most highly requested by the Envisage customer base, streamlines the career paths for individuals across all first response and public safety disciplines. Career role automation features will be included in the Acadis Training, Acadis Compliance, and Acadis Workforce Portal modules.
The Acadis Accounting module allows client agencies to create accounts and appropriations in order to track departmental funding and expenses. This provides an easy and effective method for accounting managers to track and manage fiscal accounts, including the allotment and allocation of funds. In addition, clients can now create expense categories to be included in Acadis List Management functionality. This provides accounting managers and budget analysts with an easy way to manage lists of expense categories and subcategories used for budgetary classification and/or to group expenses.
Acadis Conduct and Performance Reports now allows authorized users to perform comparative analysis for organization or person performance reports that have been configured to show an average score by group. Now, analysts can quickly assess performance trends for an organization or person over a specific range of dates.
The Acadis Training module now includes Workflow Management options including a Workflow Tasks Monitor that provides administrators with an easy method for viewing all current workflow tasks and assignments. Training administrators will appreciate being able to add Workflows in Acadis to support their business processes and the additional support of critical process management. In addition, the inclusion of Workflow Templates provides administrators with the ability to ensure the tracking of all defined tasks and processes as part of the Class Record. Other features of Acadis Training include single payer billing options for training academy classes, class date-based automated emails, support for international addresses and classes, and the ability to export and inactivate learning objectives.
Acadis Scheduling now includes options for adding Planned Events to a class schedule and assigning a coordinator to manage such events. This provides an easy, streamlined way to add events and their required resources directly through Acadis. In addition, now included in Acadis Scheduling is the ability to set Instructor-to-Student Ratio Scheduling rules allowing efficient utilization of available resources based on class size without compromising curricular goals.
Additions to the Acadis LMS module include the ability to add tests to online learning events, allowing learning managers and instructional designers to leverage the features, reporting and analytics available in Acadis Testing when publishing online coursework. Automated email functions for broadcasting online training events are also now included in the Acadis LMS providing an automated way to confirm that online coursework is successfully completed while also supporting required accreditation goals. Enhancements to the Acadis LMS Training Monitor include an easy-to-use dashboard to view key metrics and other important data for online training courses. Significant additions to Discussions features of Acadis LMS include the ability to view discussion forum metrics, add documents to discussions, and email discussion forum activity allowing moderators to stay current on discussion forums of interest in accordance with their preferred automated email notification schedule.
Other additions and enhancements to Acadis include viewing student survey results for multiple classes and expiring access to surveys in the Acadis Surveys module, help text for test questions containing multimedia in the Acadis Testing module, and filtering enrollment requests as part of the Acadis Registration module.
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