This is the second course offering in the National Technical Investigators Association (NATIA) “Certified Technical Investigator” program. Upon completing Electronics and Audio Intercepts (Part One), students attending Video Surveillance Operations will further develope their law enforcement technical skills. During this training, students train in small task groups where they design video surveillance systems in a variety of simulated situations. The emphasis is on practical exercises implementing true “hands-on” applications. Students will become skilled at video surveillance techniques, by the implementation of hardwired video installations, RF installations and rapid installations of audio/video surveillance of vehicles. Students will be required to complete and pass a comprehensive 50 question test, certifying successful completion of this training course, by the NIA. Students must subsequently complete and pass the NATIA administered certification test to obtain NATIA certification credentials. Students will use basic electronics test equipment, as required throughout the program, such as multi-meters, power supplies, signal generators, cabling tools, test instruments, and circuit and system simulation. This 40 hr course meets daily from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.