During times of crisis such as a flood, terrorist event or other natural or manmade disaster, an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be activated as part of the Multi-Agency Coordination System. A well prepared EOC can promote continuity of operations for the jurisdiction served. Emergency Film Group has produced “NIMS for EOCs” to help organizations and jurisdictions organize a NIMS-based Emergency Operations Center and implement it when needed. The recommended audience for “NIMS for EOCs” is federal, state, tribal and local emergency management personnel, private industry of all sizes, and disaster response organization personnel.
The EOC provides logistical support to Incident Command, and to be most effective should be organized to mirror the structure of IC. Combining realistic training exercises that simulate crisis situations with footage of actual incidents, “NIMS for EOCs” portrays an EOC in action. It outlines the responsibilities for key positions in Incident Command and the corresponding positions for the Emergency Operations Center, including those of the Command Staff and Sections. The program describes the five primary types of incidents and tells how the EOC is staffed, organized, and activated for each. The program also portrays how a NIMS-compliant Planning meeting - which is an essential part of managing an incident – is run.
Included in the package are a 32-minute DVD and a Resource CD-Rom with PowerPoint, testing, and other materials that an instructor can use or modify as the basis of a customized training seminar.
Technical advisors for “NIMS for EOCs” include Inspector Kenneth D. Honig, who served with the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and was the Emergency Operations Center Manager after the 9-11 attacks; Stephen Marks, of Crisis Leadership Solutions and formerly the Assistant Coordinator, Guilford County (NC) Office of Emergency Management; Kevin Neary, former Chief of Operations, New York State Emergency Management Office. While with SEMO, he had oversight of the NY Emergency Operations Center; Martyn R. Nevil, Planning Chief, FEMA Urban Search & Rescue Incident Management Team; and August Vernon, Assistant Coordinator for the Forsyth County (NC) Office of Emergency Management.