Shooting Ranges & Equipment

The Shooting Ranges Equipment product category is a collection of information, product listings and resources for researching various law enforcement Shooting Ranges Equipment options.
Shooting Ranges & Equipment


Jan. 5, 2022
MILO Live is a global provider of state-of-the-art shooting range & live-fire training systems & solutions. MILO's expertise in shooting range design combined with its innovative...
InVeris Training Solutions
Road Range
Shooting Ranges & Equipment

Road Range

InVeris Training Solutions’ Road Range™ is a self-contained mobile firearms training facility that integrates live-fire and virtual simulation capabilities to provide a total ...
Nypd Patch (nyc)

NYPD to Go to Firearms with Lighter Trigger Pulls for New Recruits

Aug. 31, 2021
After field tests, the department found that shooting accuracy improved among recruits and current officers who used a 5-pound trigger pull as opposed to a 12-pound trigger pull...
InVeris Training Solutions
Shooting Ranges & Equipment

InVeris Training Solutions to Celebrate 95-Year Live-Fire Training Legacy and Exhibit Unrivalled Portfolio at NSSF Range-Retailer Business Expo

InVeris Training Solutions will display its live-fire portfolio at the National Shooting Sports Foundation's Range-Retailer Business Expo.
Qualification Targets Inc.
SQT-A1 RCSO Paper Target
Shooting Ranges & Equipment

SQT-A1 RCSO Paper Target

The SQT-A1 RCSO Paper Target by Qualification Targets Inc. is a Georgia Public Safety Training Center Target with a 3" x 2" Head Zone in Orange Ink SQTA-1 and a 6" x 6" Center...